We were searching and searching for an eco-friendly non-plastic Christmas Tree… we combed the colourful Bandra shops glittering with Christmas decor, only to find them full of plastic things. Last year, faced with a similar dilemma, after a long search we bought a real Juniper plant, and made miniature clay ornaments to decorate it; but sadly the Juniper couldn’t survive the Mumbai weather. So this year, we used our own paper decorations… DIY Christmas Ornaments and Angels, with the addition of sticks, pinecones and thread… to make this Christmas tree at home. This tree is really easy to make and takes way less space, too, since its mounted on the wall and hung on a single screw in the wall (please let it be a strongly fitted one!)
Here’s a quick video showing how you can put this DIY Christmas tree together with some found sticks and our Paper Christmas Decorations. Its a fun way for a family to enjoy some Christmas Craft. You can order all the decorations needed for this idea at this link:https://in.skygoodies.co/collections/christmas-goodies/products/christmas-decor-combo-saver-2-30-ornaments-6-angels-4-fairy-lights
And after we were done we kept our Christmas gifts at the base… and lo, we had a bright and cheerful tree in our living room, without the guilt of adding more plastic to the oceans!
All the paper decorations and angels you see above come flat, and pre-cut, so all you do is fold and stick… a relaxing activity that can be enjoyed with family, especially if you have bored kids around. The patterns on them are inspired by Indian truck art, and the colours are a mellow mix of reds and greens for that Christmasssy feeling.
Hope you enjoy this idea as much as we enjoyed making it! Please like and share it with anyone who may like this idea.
Thank you and love, Misha.